
Crushed Nasal Cavity. Teeth. Eye Damage Unknown.


Broken Cheek and Orbital Bones

Please Read. 5 Minutes of Your Time. With Updates.

I know with the beggers outside of Walmart and the charities for unknown origins, this may be difficult.

Let me add quickly that Chaz was no spoiled child by any means. Working since age 13 and paying his way through life was his only choice. He bought his own first car and has paid his own way through a 4 year degree while working 2 jobs. He is no slacker in any form of the word. His drive is what promoted me to do this for him.

Before I started to write this, I wondered, with the economy, what I could possibly say to secure you in helping our family. The words didnt come. I will just tell you the story and hope your hearts are big enough to help us. If you have children, fathers, mothers, cousins, nieces, friends, loved ones of any kind; You will understand this and I hope that you will indeed help.

My brother went out for his birthday 22nd last week. If you knew him, you would realize my highly spoken words of him are not enough. He is a UNCW graduate and is now a teacher. He has never hurt a soul, never speaks negatively about anyone, has more trust than a human should…

After the bar was closing, he and his roommate were leaving. Before they made it 10 steps, they were both knocked unconscious from behind by 3 young men. While unconscious, they were severely beaten and left to die, while still unconscious and losing large amounts of blood. Their attackers walked away (slowly, no running or panicking), bragging about it, believing they were dead.

In the ER, Chaz awoke 10 hours later, remembering only walking out of the bar and then being hit and that was as far as his unconscious memory would serve him. The trauma center spoke of the fact that one more kick would have pushed the already broken orbital and cheek bones into Chaz’s brain and killed him instantly. His first hour in ER, they believed he was NOT going to make it. They used every technician on duty and every piece of equipment they had.

Chaz has to see several plastic surgeons, orthodontists, dentists, doctors.. You name it. After his first day, he already had another scary trip to ER because of his wounds. If you saw his wounds, you would be shocked. His eye is cut so badly, you can see his eye ball through his actual eyelid, numerous facial bones broken, jaw and teeth obstruction. The list goes on… Chaz is stuck with these bills. The attackers are known to be unemployed.

He has already exhausted his own funds. My parents have sold and used everything they own. Now I'm asking for all of your help. Even 5 dollars will go so far when from each of you. I KNOW I have some good friends and some good people. We can do this. Please.

This is in the paper and will be going much further. The paper said they have never seen so many people come together for this. It has caused such an outbreak that Wilmington probably isn’t too happy about it for tourist and political reasons. But please, repost on your own myspace or facebook bulletins, pass it along and contact me if you can help in any way at all.

Anyone is more than welcome to contact me for more details. Again, thank you SO much. I mean it from the bottom of my heart. Please pass this along as far as you can, as far as it will go…. Spread the word, make people aware and help the cause. Repost to your own MySpace, facebook or forward to your own contacts even across the world.
Update: Chaz was laid off of his teaching job. The 3 people that did this to him have 71 charges on their record between the 3 of them.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Please see the attached for an update.

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